Why Gold & Silver

Why Gold And Silver

If you’re like most people these days, you are very concerned about the declining purchasing power of the US dollar.  The dollar continues to drop…and the government just keeps printing more and more currency.  The below chart pretty much tells the whole story.

Our National Debt Is Soaring Out Of Control Like Never Before

The Purchasing Power of the Dollar Has Declined 95% Since 1913

I truly believe we are at one of the most critical times in our country’s history. There are some powerful economic drivers in play right now that I believe are going to have a dramatic affect on our future.  What you know now… and the action steps you take now, will have a huge impact on your financial success going forward.

We can’t stop the government from printing more currency and devaluing our dollar… but we can do something about it. We can be on the right side of the trend. As the chart above clearly shows, as the dollar continues to drop, gold (and silver) continue to go up, and up, and up! You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure out what’s happening here.

Take some time and check out the videos on this site. They are fascinating and you can learn a great deal about the metals markets and where everything is going by watching them.

A must watch video from the National Inflation Association….The first 12 hours of a U.S. dollar collapse!

$15,000 Gold and $1500 Silver – Gold and Silver Predictions By Mike Maloney


Silver — Is The World Really Running Out Of It?


James Turk: The US On Cusp Of Hyperinflation:

“Melt Up”  A 54 Minute Documentary on the History of Gold, Silver and Fiat Currencies.  This is amazing…one of the best explanations I have seen.  Everyone should watch this.

Why Silver Bullion Is Dirt Cheap Right Now…

Mike Maloney says Silver at $100 /oz is a no brainer on CNBC 4-2010

SILVER and GOLD Robert Kiyosaki Recommends Every Network Marketer Accumulate This A.S.A.P

For those of you who may be saying… “There’s nothing to worry about.  I trust the Government and the Federal Reserve know what they are doing and are in control of everything.  Certainly they would not let anything bad happen to our economy?” … you should watch this.  Do you think this woman is telling the truth?  Try not to throw hard objects at your computer while watching this.

2011 You’re a Loser If You are Saving, by Robert Kiyosaki

$1500 SILVER – Mike Maloney