

If You Want To Understand What To Expect
Just Listen To What Our Associates Have To Say…

My name is Rudy Lira Kusuma - I’m a real estate agent in San Gabriel, California. I’ve been buying gold and silver since early 2010 after reading Robert Kiyosaki books. Before I found out about POW, the dealer that I bought my gold and silver from, charges 30% – 60% in dealer’s markup, plus shipping, handling fees, and insurance.

I found POW a couple of months ago online. One Saturday, I Googled “gold and silver dealer” trying to find better deals – then, I came across one of POW associates website. After 15 minutes of reading the materials online, I signed up for POW that Saturday. To me, it was kind of NO BRAINER – POW membership only $249 per year; as POW member now I can buy as many gold and silver with no dealer’s mark up!!!
So far, I have saved over $1759 in dealer’s mark up!!!

Last but not least, I always share the benefits of holding physical gold and silver to my friends and family (even though the previous dealers NEVER pay me a dime for my referrals). With POW, the company pays me referral fees to thank me for referring my friends and family.

Some super skeptical people asked me whether POW is real. My response always “look at this shipments that I have been receiving from POW – does this gold and silver looks real to you?” and when I receive my commission checks from POW – now I am excited to go to my mail box – either to pick up my gold and silver OR to pick up my commission checks from POW!!!

POW is the Greatest Opportunity! Thank you!!!
-Rudy Lira Kusuma


 Watch the video to hear in Doyle's own words....
 ... I found Preservation Of Wealth while I was looking for a way to pay less for the Silver Bullion I was currently purchasing...
...I've been buying from a very reputable dealer until I started buying from Preservation Of Wealth .

My very first purchase I saved 21%...

I've gone on to save thousands of dollars since I've been a member...

...On a part time basis I've been able to build a full time income...

Doyle Shuler


Watch the video to hear in Debbie’s own words…
… thank you for Preservation Of Wealth that allows me to purchase all my metals without all the extra costs…
…Before POW I was paying far too much through other dealers.

Your family can save the most and buy the amount of metals you can afford…
thanks for your great customer service and the great opportunity to allow us to buy all the gold and silver we want at the best prices…
Debbie Turner

When I first discovered POW I was in the middle of a lot of projects and did not have the time to focus on it. I started to hold off on joining and come back to POW later on when I had more time to devote to it. I am so glad I didn’t wait.

I knew how huge the gold & silver trend is and how incredible and unique the POW business model is. Timing is everything. My intuition told me to go ahead and join now…and secure my position. Thankfully I listened to my intuition, took action and joined right away. By the time my schedule cleared out and I had time to start focusing on POW I already had over 20,000 points underneath me! Wow. The POW binary program is amazing. I am so grateful that I joined the right company and the right team. Now that I am working the business I find it very easy. When you have the most desired products in the world…and you have the best prices for those products… it’s a complete no-brainer.

Thanks POW. I’m looking forward to a golden future.

Tammy Kanapaux

          Watch the video to hear in Mike’s own words…
… I’ve been an associate since day 1…
..Everyone in the world knows what our product is and will always have value.
I used to pay retail and now I pay wholesale…
the most important thing…you get to collect all this precious metal and get paid weekly…

Mike Davis

Watch the video to hear in Chris’s own words…
… I’ve been investing and purchasing in precious metals for almost seven years and have always paid retail.
…I was not 100% sure until I made my first purchase…the payment was smooth and easy….
I ended up saving over $2 a coin and with 500 coins I saved over a grand…
We’ve done a little over 6 figures with them so far…
…Preservation Of Wealth is fantastic and has worked out great for my family…
Chris Perricone

I just wanted to let everyone know that POW has allowed me to DREAM again. I have that zest for life again because now I have a true foothold in preparing for my financial security for the future.
I have never been part of something before that had so much potential before. I love the fact that POW Builders is stressing the importance of teamwork. I finally feel like I am part of a TRUE team.

I am stepping out on faith and I believe that I will be rewarded 100 fold because my focus will not be just on me but on sharing with many others…
..the others who have forgotten the power of a DREAM!
Arnold A.C. Coleman

The more I studied the more I realized how important it is to have physical gold and silver to protect and grow one’s wealth. I’ve been a member since February 2011. I did a lot of research when I was deciding which precious metals dealer I would use.

Preservation of Wealth was clearly the best choice as they have the hard to find combo of low prices, great customer service and reliable delivery. Whether I want to buy a few coins or a bulk amount of precious metals POW consistently has the lowest prices I’ve seen. Thank you to Justin and your team for always being so helpful.

Evan Shapiro

My name is John Ciulla and I have been a member of Preservation Of Wealth since April 2011. I have been following the precious metals markets for over 10 years and had been purchasing various forms of gold and silver bullion from a variety of dealers. All that time, after researching numerous companies, I thought I was getting the best service and the best prices on my purchases.

When I finally discovered Preservation Of Wealth, I couldn’t believe that simply by becoming a member I would have access to the precious metals market and be able to buy at Direct Dealer cost. I had the facts on all the other dealers and now I needed to get the facts on Preservation Of Wealth.

I contacted POW and spoke directly with Justin Davis, the company’s Founder and President. He assured me that this was for real and that members enjoy the same prices as his company gets on all forms of bullion and without any minimums or small order charges. Well, I needed to see for myself, so I asked him to give me prices on a mix of silver coins and bars based on the spot price at that time.

My comparison shopping exercise not only proved that the price quote I had gotten from Justin was substantially lower, to the tune of up to 10% less then other dealers but the spot price was actually higher at the time he quoted me then it was when I checked with my other sources. The order was under $5000.00 and would have been considered a small order by the others incurring higher prices and small order fees as well.

Needless to say, I joined and placed my first order with Preservation Of Wealth and actually recouped the majority of the membership fee right then and there. Since then I have placed several other orders with the same satisfaction on price and service and now the membership fee has been totally absorbed by my savings.

Initially, I was only interested in getting the best price on Silver and Gold but further investigation of the Optional Business Opportunity convinced me that simply by sharing the benefits offered through Preservation Of Wealth would be a great way to produce, provide and preserve wealth for myself and others.

I have already achieved the level of consultant and continue to build my business and save on all my precious metals purchases while sharing the importance of owning Silver and Gold now more then ever before.

I hope you join us and become part of our success.
John Ciulla

Preservation of Wealth,
My name is Raymond Austin. I am a new member of POW. Immediately after joining POW I purchased some gold and silver, and instantly started making money from my new investments. I would recommend POW to everyone, especially with the uncertainty of the economy. I used my precious metals as my bank account. It earns more dividends than the 3 – 4% that a regular bank offers. I look forward to my next purchase soon! Thank you!

Raymond Austin
Wealth Builder

I have been in POW for over 2 years and have received many times my member ship fee!

I have purchased silver and watch it near double in price.I am a business builder but some of my sponsored only wanted to purchase gold or silver at the best price.One lady purchased $5,000.00 silver and it almost doubled in price the last year.I have had health issues the past year and not enrolled one person,however I have receive my $100.00 checks for the work I did over 2 years ago.The same amount of money placed in a bank at such a low interest would never had earned me the income that I have received from POW. Some months my pow income exceeded my monthly social security checks!