What Is Preservation Of Wealth and How Can It Benefit You?

Welcome to my Preservation of Wealth Blog Site….
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Preservation of Wealth is The World’s Only 

At Cost Bullion Dealer For Precious Metals

A Video Review Of Preservation of Wealth

Preservation of Wealth (POW) is a one-of-a-kind membership program that provides solutions for helping our members preserve their wealth.  Members have the privilege to purchase an unlimited quantity of Gold, Silver, Platinum & Palladium coins, bars and bullion.  Members receive “At Costs”, Preferred Dealer Direct Prices. Yes, you read that correctly. Members pay No Broker Fees, no commissions and No Markups on their precious metals purchases.  You pay AT COST prices for ALL of your metals purchases.  You can save 5% to 25% on all of your metals purchases!

POW has thousands of members throughout America.  Our combined purchasing power is huge… thus enabling us to get the lowest wholesale prices available anywhere.  We have a membership business model so the company makes it’s profits on the membership fees.  This enables us to offer pass-through pricing directly to our members.  POW makes nothing…not a single penny…on the gold & silver that our members buy.  The price that POW pays when they buy… is the price you pay!

Plus… There Are NO MINIMUM Purchase Amounts Required!  That’s right. If you want to just buy 1 silver coin, no problem… and you can still buy that 1 coin at our same “At Cost” prices.  Compare that to the huge majority of precious metals dealers out there. Many dealers won’t even talk with you unless you have tens of thousands of dollars to invest with them.

In fact, we have hundreds of Gold & Silver DEALERS who are members of Preservation of Wealth (POW) because our high volume, discount prices are better than they can find anywhere else.  Now YOU have the opportunity to buy your gold and silver at the same prices the largest dealers buy theirs for!

A POW membership is some what similar to a membership to a wholesale buyers club like Sam’s Wholesale Club or Costco.  
The amount of money Sam’s Clubs and Costco make from the actual sales of the merchandise is very, very small. What makes it work for them and where the lion’s share of their profits come from is from the annual membership fees they are paid. That’s where 95% of their profits come from.

Preservation of Wealth has a similar business model except… instead of selling gold & silver through huge warehouse buildings… we market our products though independent associate members.  And, with Preservation of Wealth, the company makes NO Profits from the sale of gold and silver to our members…none…zero….nada…zilch. The company totally ”passes through” the cost of the metals that they pay… onto it’s members.

And…because Preservation of Wealth buys such huge volumes and quantities of metals for our members, we get the best “Preferred Dealer Prices” … which are lower than most dealers will pay for there metals, because their volumes are so much lower than ours. 

Getting A Lot More Coins For Your Money:  As I am sure you know, some precious metals dealers charge premiums of 30% and More, above the spot price (market price) of the metal.   Think how much higher metals prices will have to rise for you to be “In Profits” if you pay those kinds of premiums?  If you are able to buy “At Cost” prices, think how much sooner you will be “In Profits”!

So how is POW able to sell it’s members gold and silver so inexpensively?   Briefly, to explain how it works, lets look at what goes into the price of a silver eagle coin.  The spot price is the global market price of the metal in general and it varies in price by the moment.  The various US Mint facilities manufacture and produce the silver eagle coins.  Contrary to what you may think, the US Mint does not do this for free.  They take the global spot price, and add their margin to it, and then sell the huge majority of all the coins they produce to 10 giant, mega wholesalers who are licensed to buy in huge quantities directly from the US Mint.

These 10 mega wholesalers turn around, mark up the coins so they can make a profit, and sell to the thousands of gold and silver broker/dealers throughout the US.  Then, the gold and silver broker/dealers turn around and mark up the coins 5% to 40% or more, (so they can make a profit and stay in business),  and then sell them to consumers like you and me.  POW is a broker/dealer and buys directly from these 10 mega wholesalers.  The mega wholesales give volume pricing so the broker/dealers who are able to buy in very large quantities, get their best prices.  Since POW has thousands of members our collective purchasing power is huge…so we get their very best prices.  

Here’s the good part.   POW totally and completely cuts out the broker/dealer markup… and passes those savings onto our members.  You have to admit, this is a brilliant business model.

Okay… as a smart business person, I know what you’re thinking. “If Preservation of Wealth sells their precious metals At Cost…how in the world do they stay in business and how do they make any money?  What’s the catch?”

Good question. Preservation of Wealth uses a membership benefits business model.  They make their profits from the fees they receive from membership benefits packages that new members buy.   Every time a new member joins, they earn a profit.  POW also has a fantastic, (and optional), “Option Ship” program offering a monthly auto-ship of MS 70 numismatic coins from which they make profits.  (Find out more about this on the Opportunity tab.)

So, How Much Does a POW Annual Benefits Package Cost?

When you really understand the huge potential savings you can have by purchasing your precious metals through Preservation of Wealth… you would probably expect the membership into this select club to cost thousands of dollars.   At POW we are all about VALUE.  Thus, an Annual Benefits Package for Preservation of Wealth is ONLY $249.   And…it gets even better!

 Preservation Of Wealth Is All About Protection

In this day and age and in this economy, you simply have to protect yourself. POW provides our members with a quick, easy and very affordable ways to protect themselves.  From protecting your assets and the purchasing power of your dollars through our Exclusive Dealer Direct precious metals pricing, to protecting yourself  legally in the litigious society in which we live, to protecting yourself from the horrendous ordeal of Identity Theft, to protecting you from making unwise financial decisions, POW does all this for one incredibly low price. 

POW also goes one step further.  Many people these days are finding it necessary and wise to create an additional stream of income for their family.  Basically people are looking to PROTECT their earning power.  For those who choose to share this incredible opportunity and value with others, POW offers one of the highest compensation programs in the industry.  In fact, POW pays out up to an unheard of 75% to our members who share this program with others. 

Many members are creating residual monthly incomes by helping others save big on their precious metals and, by helping them share this one-of-a-kind opportunity with others.  Simply put, you can help others save money… and make money… and get paid to do it!

We encourage you to “Get Protected” today with the POW protection program.  See below for details:

Now lets be honest.  When is the last time you have ever seen so much “Real” value in rock-solid benefits that can help you every single day?  POW goes above and beyond in providing maximum value to our members.  When you can get $720 worth of actionable value, plus be able to save 5% to 25% on all of your bullion purchases, plus be able to own your own gold & silver home based business with the opportunity to build a residual monthly income… it makes this opportunity a complete: 

NOTE:  The Free Legal Services, the Free LifeLock Membership and the Free Financial Help Line are ONLY available to members who join at the annual membership level of $249 per year.

Additional Member Benefits…

    • – You can purchase ALL of the precious metals you wish, there is no limit to how much you can purchase (some members purchase hundreds of thousands and even millions of dollars worth of gold & silver through POW)
    • – No purchase requirements what-so-ever… it’s totally up to you…you don’t “have” to buy a single coin
    • – No minimum purchase amount.  If you only want to buy 1 coin, that’s fine. You still get the same at-cost prices
    • – Free automated Preservation of Wealth web site… @ zero cost
    • – Free back office system
    • – Free business position (if you would like to share POW with your friends and earn additional profits) For more information on sharing this opportunity go to the Opportunity tab on this site.
    • – No sales quotas what-so-ever
    • – No required auto ship

You are probably thinking; “Okay…that sounds pretty darn good….but how long will it take me in savings to make my initial investment back through my purchases of gold and silver?”  Good question.  It depends on how much silver & gold you buy. To form a comparison, one of our team leaders made a purchase in November of 2010 from a very respected bullion dealer whom many big-name investors, (who’s names are house-hold names), purchase from.  (Plus…this dealer is NOT one who advertises on TV and Radio ….thus, they don’t have to charge a lot more to cover their ridiculous advertising cost.)

The minimum quantity of Silver Eagles they could buy from this particular dealer was one tube (20 one oz. Silver Eagles come per tube.)  He made back-to-back purchases of 20 Silver Eagles… both from this big-time dealer and from POW, on the same afternoon, within minutes of each other… so he could get the best comparison price-wise.  Below is a chart showing the differences in cost between this big-time dealer and POW.

As you can see…. it cost  21% MORE to buy the EXACT SAME COINS from the big-time dealer… than it did from POW.   All total he paid $132.90 MORE for the privilege of buying from the big-time dealer.  Thus… he could have purchased 4 more Silver Eagle coins from POW with the money he would have saved from the other dealer.  And that savings was with only buying 20 coins.  Just think how much you can save if you bought a lot of coins?

So, with an average savings of $6.64 Per Coin…. You only have to purchase 38 silver American Eagles to re-coop your initial POW benefits fee of $249.  Plus… I can absolutely assure you that there are many, many dealers out there who charge much, much more than this test case.  So if you only plan on buying a few coins, POW may not be for you.  However, if you plan on buying 38 or more Silver Eagles, it’s an absolute no-brainer!   NOTE: There are thousands of gold and silver broker/dealers and they all charge different amounts for their gold and silver.  Some mark up their items more than others so you should do your own comparisons. 

Funny thing…. when he received the two shipments, (and it took him about 2 weeks longer to receive the shipment from the big name dealer… than it did from POW)… he put both of the tubes on his desk…. took the coins out…. and compared them.  They were of course exactly alike.  The only difference was that one cost  21% MORE… or $6.64 Per Coin MORE than the other ones. I’m sure he would have much rather received 4 more coins… but it was all part of the research.

So What Types Of Bullion, Coins and Bars Are Available Through Preservation of Wealth?

We can get just about any type of gold and silver product you may want.  If you don’t see what you want, you simply call customer service and ask if they can get it.  For the most part, if it’s available in the market place, we can get it.

So What About The Shipping Cost?

With POW the shipping is simple and easy.  Relax… there are No Hidden Fees!   
Here’s how it works:  If you order 250 or more ounces of silver, or 10 or more ounces of gold, your shipping is Totally Free.

If you order is less than these quantities, then we simply place your order in a United States Post Office flat rate box, add the proper amount of insurance and ship it to you.  You pay the “Actual” shipping cost that POW pays.  You will NEVER pay more than $22 (shipping & insurance) for any one order.  That’s it.  It’s just that simple.

POW will ship to any address that you designate.  Our shipping is safe and discrete. 

Can I SELL My Metals Back To Preservation of Wealth?

Absolutely.  At some point, you will probably want to SELL the bullion you bought.  Preservation of Wealth comes through again paying the Highest In The Industry!   
You can shop around forever and you will not find ANYONE who even comes close to paying what POW pays when you sell your metals back!  Really!

It’s Important To Do The Math.   With POW you get the BEST PRICE when you BUY…and you also get the BEST PRICE when you SELL. Add up the two and you will see just what an amazing VALUE POW offers!  

Plus… when members sell back large enough quantities of gold and silver… POW turns around and simply offers it to the members… at the exact same price that they paid for it…. enabling members who are lucky enough to act fast, while supplies last… to get even better purchase prices.  POW could easily pocket the profits when they buy metals back, but they don’t.  They pass the additional value down to the members.  It that cool or what?

Plus…once you are a member of POW, you can even sell back to POW metals that you already own, even if you did not buy them from POW.  You do need to get POW’s pre-approval before selling back any metals but this is a great customer advantage.  Some members have even joined primarily for this one benefit because it is so much more profitable to them.

Watch Our Latest Webinar!

If you have seen enough and can’t wait to get started, you can go ahead and join now. Just click the join now button to get started:

Company Information:

The president and founder of Preservation of Wealth is Justin Davis. The company is headquartered in Frisco, TX (just outside of Dallas.)   Preservation of Wealth began on July 1, 2009.   The company was debt free they day they opened their doors for business and they continue to be debt free today.  As far as we know, we are the ONLY business in the world with this kind of business model…. and are perfectly positioned to take advantage of this huge wave of new precious metals buyers who are coming into the market every single day!

My personal opinion… I believe the business is PERFECTLY POSITIONED for this economy and that we are poised for Explosive Growth! Here are my reasons:

1) It’s my personal opinion that the world wide demand for precious metals is going to continue to rise sharply…driving huge numbers of large & small investors into the precious metals market.

2) Practically everyone is looking for a bargain and wants to purchase as much gold and silver as they possible can for their money.  We have THE lowest prices!

3) As the economy continues to struggle and as the value of the dollar continues to fall… more and more people will be searching for home based business opportunities to bring in additional streams of income.

It seems to me that Preservation of Wealth is in an absolute perfect position to benefit from these current economic forces.

Don’t waste thousands of dollars buying gold and silver from those expensive dealers you see advertising on TV 24/7.  How do you think they pay all of their advertising cost?  They pay it from the High Profits they make from YOU when you buy from them.  You don’t have to shop like that any more.  There is a smarter way.  When you can buy at wholesale… why would you pay retail? 

I look forward to having you join the team.  

Talk soon,

Robert Zaslove______________________________________________

Email me at: robertzaslove@yahoo.com