Provide Others With Ability To Buy Gold & Silver At Wholesale Prices

Unique Business Opportunity - Lowest Gold and Silver Prices Available Anywhere In The World

Preservation of Wealth Offers a Very Unique Business Opportunity That Is Taking Off Like A Rocket!

If you choose to join and only use the benefits of being able to buy all of your precious metals at dealer cost prices…then that’s perfectly fine.  You can buy all you want and save all you want.  You never have to do anything else.

However, in addition to our amazingly low gold & silver pricing, you have the option to market the POW Business and earn profits from building your own business.  When you join POW, you instantly get a Business Position.

This Business Is Simple To Share… and You Can Make a Lot of Money Building This Business
If You Like To Save Money… And If You Like To Make Money… You’re Going To LOVE This Business!

Some POW members simply share the opportunity with their friends & family.  After all, if you find an amazing value…who are you going to tell first?  Your friends & family. Everyone likes to save, and you certainly want to help your friends and family. Other POW members choose to market the business more aggressively by holding hotel meeting, in home meetings, etc.  Still others choose to market POW on the internet.  There is practically no limit to how you can market this amazing opportunity.


POW IS DIFFERENT! l Rarely Do You Come Across an Opportunity to Offer Top of The Line Products… Like Gold & Silver Coins, Bars, etc…. at BETTER PRICES Than Every Other Source of Precious Metals? It’s Absolutely Amazing.

When you watch TV you are practically inundated with “Buy Gold” commercials.  They are everywhere.  I challenge you to compare the prices.  It’s not uncommon at all for the “house hold name” gold companies to sell their precious metals at a 15% to 30%+++ premium over the spot price of the metal.  That’s crazy!

For anyone who is interested in investing in gold & silver, all you need to say to them is: “If I could show you a way that you can buy the exact same precious metals that you are buying right now…at Dealer Direct prices…and save between 15% and 30% on your purchases…would you want to take a look at it?”   How easy is that?

Preservation Of Wealth Compensation Program Review Movie

Preservation of Wealth Referral Compensation Plan
At Preservation of Wealth, we have simplified everything for the benefit of the Referral Network.  When creating the Compensation Plan, our intention was to focus on what is easy to understand and explain and disregard everything that was complicated or unnecessary.  We have not diluted the compensation plan with unnecessary hoops and hurdles.  We have NO monthly sales quotas or required autoship purchases to make.  It’s a very straight forward plan that can be explained in a matter of seconds. We encourage you to learn more by reading gold at cost

How To Earn A Direct Commission

When someone refers a new member to POW, the company shares some of the proceeds directly with the people that were responsible for introducing them to POW.  We pay $100 to the person that is responsible for the referral when they join at the annual member level and we pay $10 a month when they join at the monthly member level.  (The huge majority of members join at the annual membership level.)  If you are familiar with this type of system… you know that is a HUGE amount to pay out for bringing someone into the program!

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How To Qualify For Team Commissions

To qualify for team commissions, you must refer 3 members who buy the POW benefits package. 1 of those may be from your own purchase of a POW lifetime benefits package but it is not mandatory.  You must also place the Business Volume (BV) of at least 1 Member on each of your 2 teams, one on the left side and one on your right side.  That’s it.  Then you are qualified for life!

The cool part about this is that your team goes down to INFINITY !

You get $100 BV credit when some guy you don’t even know, 1000 levels deep below you, brings in a new guy at the annual membership level!   And…every single person in the 1000 levels above them, also gets $100 BV credit as well.  Amazing! As your team grows… it’s truly amazing how this business can spread and grow, and how profitable it can be!buy gold at wholesale

Team Commissions

When you have at least 300 BV (points) on one Team side and at least 300 BV on the other, you earn a cycle, which is a $100.00 commission. Business Volume in your respective team sides will count in Team Volume, regardless of who makes the referral. These cycles can happen over and over and over again!

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The POW Optionship Program

This exciting program is our Silver Coin Of The Month Program.  Another area to seriously consider when creating wealth with coins is numismatics. For those that enjoy collecting assets and creating an income in the process, optionship is what you’ve been looking for.
How would you like to get paid to collect some of the most stunning and beautiful assets in the world?
Numismatics is a $100 billion / year business… and the modern issue graded coins segment of numismatics is booming. While silver has consistently grown 20-25%, modern issue coin values have in many cases grown at an even faster pace. On the optionship program you can choose to receive 1-3 of these stunning assets each month at very competitive prices.
Each MS-70 coin is graded by ICG (one of the highest regarded grading companies in the world) and it’s encased in a protective clear plastic slab to preserve its brilliance and quality.  Each coin is certified as “Perfect” and each coin container is bar coded and carries a hologram and serial number.

Unlike the bullion coins that are sold at POW cost, some proceeds for the Optionship coins are paid back to the referral network in the form of BV or points.  You can receive up to 100 BV for your own optionship purchases and up to 150 BV from each team members purchases.  That’s up to 1900 BV / year / team member.
The residual profits can add up very quickly with this program!

Coin prices are subject to change as the price of gold / silver fluctuate. Commissions are paid on the sale of Benefits Packages. Adjustments may be made from time to time to insure an appropriate Price / BV ratio as gold and silver fluctuate. Every effort has been made to accurately represent our products and its potential. As with any business endeavor, there is no certain guarantee that you will earn any money simply by making a purchase.  An individual’s success depends on making sales as stated above.

The Opportunity We Have At This Time, With This Program… Is Unprecedented!

I personally believe that there are some huge changes taking place in our economy right now.  These changes along with the dramatic devaluation of the dollar are going to have a huge impact on the prices of silver and gold.

It’s estimate that only 1% to 2% of all Americans own silver bullion at this time.  In the last decade silver has increased in value over 400%.  Can you imagine what would happen to the price of silver if the number of silver investors doubled to 2% to 4% of the population?

With POW…we have the EXACT same gold & silver products that everyone else has…. and we have the gold & silver products that more and more and more people are wanting everyday.   So… If We Have THE LOWEST PRICES on the Products That Everyone Wants…. Can You Imagine a Better Position To Be In? I Can’t.

I believe that the people who understand this… and build a POW business now… will be in such a fantastic position!  When the masses start to figure it out… and realize that the value of their paper dollars is eroding… and that gold and silver offer the best way to preserve the value of their wealth…. we will be PERFECTLY POSITIONED to reap dramatic benefits of this massive trend of people flocking to buy silver & gold.

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Cant wait any longer?  Click below to get started now:

Where Do You See Your Future?

10 Year Silver Chart

10 Year Gold Chart